Transportable Tablespaces
Transportable Tablespaces Transportable tablespaces were introduced in Oracle 8i to allow whole tablespaces to be copied between databases in the time it takes to copy the datafiles. In Oracle 8i one of the restrictions was that the block size of both databases must be the same. In Oracle 9i the introduction of multiple block sizes has removed this restriction. In this article I will run through a simple example of transporting a tablespace between two databases. Setup For this example I'm going to create a new tablespace, user and table to work with in the source database. CONN / AS SYSDBA CREATE TABLESPACE test_data DATAFILE '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/DB11G/test_data01.dbf' SIZE 1M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M; CREATE USER test_user IDENTIFIED BY test_user DEFAULT TABLESPACE test_data TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp QUOTA UNLIMITED ON test_data; GRANT CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLE TO test_user; CONN test_user/test_user CREATE TABLE test_tab ( id NUMBE...